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Thursday, February 28, 2013

post gym grocery trip

Usually after the gym I'll head right home, but I was on Pinterest looking up smoothies and decided to stop at Hannaford and grab some things. I've been wanting to try a green smoothie with some spinach in it. Seeing how i'm basically scared to try spinach, I chose Kale instead thinking it'd taste better?.. I've had neither so i'm sure my taste buds are in for a treat. Maybe tomorrow i'll whip up a "green machine" smoothie and crossing fingers I enjoy it. Thats a big bag of Kale that's gotta get eaten! I also decided to get Soy milk which is also a newbie for me. I'm going to switch 2% milk with the soy for my post gym protein shake. Lets hope I can like that as well...

The flax seed is something I picked up because i've been reading about it and all the health benefits it has.  It has Omega-3 and a really good source of fiber. It's something i'll probably throw in my smoothies. Why not, right? ((:


Let me first start off by saying I don't know everything about being fit and healthy. Honestly I didn't know the first thing about working out/eating right basically my whole life. I never ate those green veggies(any colored veggies at that) and the only time I was actually "in shape," was in high school when I did do sports. Around last fall I realized that all I ever wanted to do was sleep. When I wasn't asleep, I was moody all the time and had no ambition to do a thing! I went to the gym one night and after I left I noticed how good of a mood I was in. It led me to go the next night and then almost every day since then. I started researching a lot online about fitness and health and it has been a huge eye opener.  How you treat your body determines so much about your life.
I work out 5-6 days a week(if i'm working on the weekends I don't go to the gym) and my eating habits are getting much better. It's embarrassing for me to say, but I use to eat fast food pretttttyyyy much every other day... I'm talkin' Wendy's, Dunkin Donuts, McDonalds, KFC, Five Guys..the list goes on. Now I try to only have one (okay, or maybe two) "cheat days," a week.. and a piece of candy here and there, but for the most part I'm trying to eat better meals that will help my muscles after working them all week. Having a good diet is the key factor to getting the body you want and without a good diet, you're only hurting your muscles at the gym.

So, this is where I will blog my progress or just talk gibberish about things that are on my mind.
I'm just like everyone else trying to achieve being fit and healthy! If you have tips or pointers please send them my way because I love feedback and I love learning new ways to do a workout or a new meal to attempt!  ((: