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Friday, March 15, 2013


Spring Break has already come and gone which means that in a couple months the warm weather, sunshine, and water will be my only concern! There's no need to wait until may to start hitting the gym when you can start now and love your body in a bikini. We all have trouble spots on our body that we don't particularly like and mine would be my thighs. I'm a petite girl, but I have more of the "muscular" thighs than "skinny" thighs. Nothing is wrong with muscular legs, but it's something I've always been self conscious of. Because i'm so small, I felt that my legs were not proportioned to the rest of me. I took an aerobics class a few months ago and the instructor taught us to love the body you're given and make it the best you can; not wish to look like someone else because lets face it; you never will.. She also said take a good look at your mother because you are bound to have a very similar figure. 

I've realized now that it's not about having victoria secret legs (even though we all wish we had them), but instead to embrace what your momma gave you. I will never have model thighs and that's okay with me. All i'm focused on now is making them as toned and sexy as possible. And my boyfriend has always told me; "It's more attractive to see a girl with really toned legs rather than stick thin."


Here are a few moves I do on leg days: 
Squat! Squat! Squat! ...If you want a nice ass that is. 

Leg Press! lots of leg presses. 

I wish there was actual free weights at my gym(one of the many reasons i'm looking into a different one). 

Calf Raises. 
I just do these on the leg press machine. These are killer.

I do these standing up and add resistance with one of the machines (I don't know what they're actually called). 

Here's just some of the things I do for my legs and I've seen a big difference in them! I have so much more tone than I ever have. I also run every other day for 30-45 minutes and cut down on the pizza intake..I cannot lie though, this week I have indulged in a giant chocolate bar, frozen yogurt (with extra gummy bears & cookie dough bites), tacos, and way too many pieces of cinnamon bread. I felt guilty every bite, but sometimes a girls just gotta give in..((:

Gotta get my mind back on track with my meals; Starting NOW!


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